
things, treated like rags and kept without washing for weeks and weeks!!!! Horrors! But that is the sad real- ity. However, TV husbands have the opportunity to wash that lingerie or send those dresses to the cleaners. If he washes pretty things in the bathroom.... where is he to hang them until they are dry? If he sends them to the cleaner's he is toying with disaster, especially if he lives in a small town where everybody knows everybody....So, the poor soul, wears his lovely clothes in secret some lucky evening when the wife and the kids have gone out. and when the time of their return draws close... off come the clothes and back they go to their suffocating prison inside a suitcase. Next time they are pulled out they al- ready look ugly and wrinkled. he may attempt a quick bit of ironing but that's all... Believe me, it is a crim- inal offense those non-understanding wives are commit- ting by being the cause of all that wardrobe mess. Pic- ture furthermore, the poor TV, crawling into a dusty at- tic some Saturday afternoon when he is alone in the ho- use... Way back there in the innermost recesses of that smelly attic, behind some discarded junk, there lies a mysterious box.... He drags the box this time his lungs are full of dust.... He shakes the cobwebs out of his hair, wipes off the slimy mould that covers the bottom of the box and with trembling hands he opens his treasure box.... Back in the bedroom now he holds that beautiful princess frock he purchased from a mail order house at the risk of his life....he quickly slips into it only to discover that the front and back are full of moth holes....In desperation he rips it off and boldly opens his wife's closet and struggles into her best dress. It's too small, so he rips it in the process. What horrible fate is about to descend upon this poor TV?


loss of his job...suicide....just a few blue flowers se- cretly dropped over his tomb by some daring TV friend who had to break into the cemetery in the middle of the night to carry out this last noble gesture of TV friend- ship....If this does not change the mind of at least one TV wife..... I quit.

But there is more to be said about clothes.... How many TV's have you seen that look good in a shift? If you have, let me know.... GG's know that a shift is wonderful to hide a not-too-slender waist, so that on first thought it would seem the ideal style for most TV's,